Unit Plan
Core Knowledge Foundation

Unit 8: Native Americans

For Teachers 5th Standards
Over five weeks, fifth graders listen to and discuss reading passages that explore the connection between Native Americans and nature. Following daily readings, scholars practice word work, including prefixes, root words, suffixes,...
Curated OER

"Too Much Pressure" by Colleen Wenke

For Students 10th - 12th
Have you ever cheated on a test? What about copied someone else's homework? After reading Colleen Wenke's essay "Too Much Pressure," class members use the provided reading comprehension questions to focus their analysis of important...
Curated OER

"Size 6: The Western Women's Harem" by Fatema Mernissi

For Students 10th - 12th
Intended for a mature, advanced placement audience, this set of questions accompanies an essay by Fatema Mernissi regarding clothing size and the possible implications for not fitting in with what is considered the norm. A very...
Curated OER

Learning to Hate Math

For Students 9th - 12th
Give your class a different kind of reading assignment with the text included here. Anne Miller's essay "Learning to Hate Mathematics" details a hatred of math that grew from early childhood and still haunts the author today. After...
Curated OER

"Once More to the Lake" by E.B. White

For Students 10th - Higher Ed
Revisit your own childhood memories of long summers and lakeside fun with E.B. White's essay, "Once More to the Lake." Included here is the actual text as well as a series of short-answer questions that follow. Not only do readers study...
Lesson Planet Article
Curated OER

A Persuasive Writing Project That Aligns to Common Core Standards

For Teachers 5th - 8th
Create a writing project that focuses on the Common Core ELA Standard for writing an argumentative essay.
Lesson Planet Article
Curated OER

Encourage A New Generation of Peacemakers

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Integrate this essay-writing contest into your high school classroom to develop writing skills and encourage international study.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Oh, I Believe in Yesterday

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
Who is Aimee Mann? Read the New York Times article "P.S. I Loved You," included here, and have your readers answer a series of reading comprehension questions. Afterward, encourage your class to brainstorm ways in which they were...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

The "Write" Stuff: Strategies and Conventions for Imaginative Writing

For Teachers 6th
A comprehensive and immersive series of lessons that examines various aspects of story development leads learners into writing a narrative of their own. Writers develop an understanding of the writing process as they use the learning...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Lesson Plan 11: Beginnings

For Teachers 5th - 9th
Every good novel needs a solid beginning! Setting the stage can have your budding authors stumped, so use this activity to get them thinking. After examining the plot rollercoaster image (included) they consider the four places their...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Leading into Good Writing

For Teachers 4th - 6th Standards
Discuss the importance of a lead in writing with your upper graders. They examine several examples of leads from literature and practice writing leads for pieces of artwork. They then select a topic from a list and write an introductory...
Curated OER

Paragraph Structure

For Students 6th - 10th
Practice writing paragraphs with this scaffolded activity. The "hamburger" model is used on the second page, following some examples and guided practice on the first page. Give beginning writers concrete, tangible support as they embark...
Lesson Plan

Seeing the Big Picture - Incorporating Thesis, Evidence, Elaboration, and Concluding Statements in Your Essay: Elements of an Essay

For Teachers 10th - 11th Standards
Writers examine the elements of an informational essay, identify them in several essay snapshots, and then craft their own to demonstrate what they have learned.
Lesson Plan

Persuasive Essay: Environmental Issues

For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
Young environmentalists learn how to craft a persuasive essay about an environmental issue they consider important. After studying the components of a persuasive essay and examining a student model, writers brainstorm possible topics and...
Curated OER

Creative God or Goddess

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Who causes sinkholes? Or acid rain? High schoolers try their hand at myth-making as individuals create a god or goddess responsible for the modern-day phenomenon. They introduce their deity in an essay that reveals the name, parentage,...
Lesson Plan

End of Unit Assessment, Part 1: On-Demand Essay “What Makes A Hurricane A Natural Disaster?”

For Teachers 5th Standards
It's time to refine writing and word choice. Learners work on Part 1 of their end of unit assessment by creating an essay titled What Makes a Hurricane a Natural Disaster? They use glossaries and graphic organizers from previous lessons...
Lesson Plan

Final Performance Task: Fishbowl Discussion about Editorial Essay

For Teachers 5th Standards
Using the resource, learners share their essay revisions with a partner. Afterward, they participate in a Fishbowl discussion, receiving peer feedback about their editorial essays. 
Lesson Plan

Peer Critique and Revision: Editorial Essay

For Teachers 5th Standards
Get those red pens ready! Using the Peer Critique protocol, scholars provide and receive feedback on their editorial essay drafts. They then use class time to work on revisions. 
Lesson Plan

End of Unit Assessment: Text-Dependent Questions and Draft Editorial: The Mary River Project on Baffin Island

For Teachers 5th Standards
Scholars complete an assessment, read an informational article, and answer text-based questions. Also, pupils use the Painted Essay technique to write a draft editorial about a topic they studied throughout the unit, the Mary River Mine...
Lesson Plan

The Painted Essay for Opinion Writing: Developing a Conclusion and Adding Linking Words

For Teachers 5th Standards
Let's get colorful! Scholars use the Painted Essay technique to analyze and color code the conclusion of a model essay. Working in small groups, pupils then write a conclusion paragraph for their draft editorials about offshore drilling. 
Lesson Plan

The Painted Essay for Opinion Writing: Writing Proof Paragraphs

For Teachers 5th Standards
It's time to proof read! Pupils read and analyze proof paragraphs from a model essay. They then practice writing their own proof paragraphs to express an opinion about offshore oil drilling. 
Lesson Plan
California Department of Education

Writing Right

For Teachers 12th Standards
Prepare high school seniors for the job search process with a lesson that teaches them how to craft four different types of business letters: the cover letter, the informational interview request, a reference request, and a thank you...
Lesson Plan
Texas Education Agency (TEA)

Business Project

For Teachers 12th Standards
Where's the data? After choosing from a list of business topics, scholars embark on a research project. They develop a strong thesis statement, follow MLA formatting requirements, select sources, and write a five-paragraph research essay. 
Lesson Plan

End of Unit On-Demand Informational Writing: Philo Farnsworth’s Invention of the Television and How It Changed People’s Lives, Part 2

For Teachers 5th Standards
Scholars complete the unit by finishing their end of the unit assessments. They arrange sentences for an introductory paragraph in the correct order, provide evidence for their thinking, and write a conclusion paragraph. They then...