Lesson Plan

Ready, Set, Test!

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

Ready to prepare young scholars for their first placement test experience? Give them the support they need using a test-focused instructional activity. Fifth in a series of six junior-level college and career readiness instructional activity, the resource introduces common placement tests and test-taking strategies.

104 Views 84 Downloads
CCSS: Designed
Instructional Ideas
  • Share a copy of the latest ACT preparation materials and have pupils work through it together
  • Invite learners that have already taken one or more placement tests to come and speak to the class
Classroom Considerations
  • Have a counselor available to assist students with accommodations for high-stakes tests
  • The lesson is easy to execute and progresses logically through preparation for placement tests
  • A well-written teacher's guide provides links to helpful materials and adaptations for the lesson
  • None