Poetry Education Articles for Teachers

Words That Reflect Art
A common concern of many English language arts teachers is that with the shift toward informational texts, art and literature will leave the classroom. However, this is not the case. While the Common Core standards emphasize informational texts, many skills in the standards can be taught through ...

Batter Up! Rediscover the Poem "Casey at the Bat"
A popular symbol of summer is baseball, and what better way to celebrate the season than reading Ernest Lawrence Thayer’s famous narrative poem, “Casey at the Bat.” Thayer’s poem dates back to the 1880s and has been performed and recited for generations of audiences. Throughout the plot of this c...

On World Poetry Day, We're All Poets
World Poetry Day; did you know such a day existed? I must admit, I never realized there was an actual day dedicated to poetry until I began working in the classroom. Even when I was a student, I don't remember ever having a day dedicated to honoring poetry. That might be because it wasn’t until 1...
An Interdisciplinary Approach to Learning with Walt Whitman
When I think of Walt Whitman, I think of being 10 years old; desperately trying to understand all the words in Leaves of Grass. I remember reading page after page, seeing images in my mind, but not grasping the depth and deeply philosophical concepts contained within. I experienced Whitman time a...

Writing Out Loud: Poems for Two Voices
There are few moments in teaching that are as rewarding as hearing a proud student read his or her work out loud. Imagine hearing their voices ring out in harmony, reflecting the concepts you have been addressing throughout your unit. From literature and self-reflection, to science and math, poem...

Haiku: The Power of Nature and Emotion
The Japanese haiku is a powerful resource in any Language Arts class. Many people are under the impression that a haiku is simply a seventeen-syllable poem about anything. However, a true haiku presents an emotion through the imagery of nature and seasons. The structure is usually a five-seven-fi...