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Lesson Planet
This Native American Pictographs activity also includes:
- Activity
- Student Reference
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Scholars use a variety of common Native American pictographs to write a sentence. Through a series of pictures, readers decipher what the author has written. Colored pencils bring color to the assignment.
Instructional Ideas
- Accompany the lesson with a book that depicts Native American life
- Showcase finished products on the themed focus wall
- Conduct a cooperative learning activity such as Think, Pair, Share to allow peers to discuss their work
Classroom Considerations
- The lesson plan's uses language intended for a parent or guardian; however, an educator may also perform the activity
- Preparation includes copy making and gathering colored pencils
- Includes ideas for individual completion and in a small group
- Provides two pages of example pictographs
- The link to common Native American pictographs no longer works
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