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Lesson Planet
It's hard to overstate the importance of protecting speech and freedom of the press. Scholars learn how free speech is an important part of an individual's natural rights and a way to form opinions. The video also discusses ways the government can restrict speech, for example when it could result in or incite violence.
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the first amendment, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom, freedoms, supreme court justices, supreme court cases, the supreme court, natural rights, civil rights, constitutional rights, rights, the bill of rights, the constitution, constitutional amendments, constitutional law, the united states constitution, constitutions, governments, thomas jefferson, civic duty, democracy, democratic values, american democracy
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Instructional Ideas
- Have academics create examples of protected and unprotected speech
- Discuss the impact of a free press to hold the government accountable
Classroom Considerations
- Resource is part of the Constitutional Hall Pass series
- Uses Supreme Court cases to explain protected speech
- Video gives a good overview of the right to freedom of speech
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