Lesson Plan

Face of Mental Illness

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Face of Mental Illness lesson plan also includes:

There are a lot of myths and misinformation out there about mental illness. Help set the record straight with a resource that debunks the falsehoods and provides high schoolers with accurate and important information about the various types of mental illness and the importance of emotional health. Groups investigate a mental disorder, create a storyline for a fictional character living with the disorder, and present their work to the class.

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Instructional Ideas
  • Post a list of campus support systems or organizations in the community that provide support services
Classroom Considerations
  • Be sensitive to the fact that some class members may be dealing with their own or with family  members that suffer from a disorder; observe reactions and report concerns
  • Third of 16 lessons in the series
  • Preparation includes making copies
  • Although designed for Virginia classrooms, the lesson is appropriate for all learners
  • Includes a rubric for the research project
  • None