Elementary Language Arts Education Articles for Teachers

The Meaning of Christmas Told through a Mexican Folktale
Tomie dePaola has a way with storytelling. He manages to convey important messages through simple stories and appealing illustrations. In The Legend of the Poinsettia, he tells the story of a young girl named Lucinda who wants to make a blanket for the baby Jesus in a Nativity scene, but when she...

Daily Academic Language Development
Academic language is the language used in a classroom setting. It is used during instruction, in textbooks, on tests, in educational videos, and in other supplemental educational materials. Although many students may proficiently use English in social interaction, understanding the common and te...

Rediscovering Your Favorite Comic Book Heroes
Watching kids read comic books in bed, at school, and wherever they got a chance used to be the norm. I remember picking up comic books at the dentist’s office and pouring through the contents. Calvin and Hobbs, Garfield, and Marmaduke were some of my favorites. For many children, Spider-Man, Bat...

ELD with Dr. Seuss Will Turn Their Creativity Loose!
Finding interesting and fun ways to teach English Language Development can be difficult. Many of the systematic ELD programs I have used in my teaching, while effective in addressing important language functions and forms, fall short when it comes to engaging and exciting learners about the subje...

Reaching Students through Literacy Centers
Literacy development is key to promoting student achievement. Engaging students in reading centers is a wonderful way to promote literacy development and student interest in learning activities. Literacy centers include a range of ready-to-use activities for students to participate in indepe...

Integrate Reading and Writing this Valentine's Day
Getting in the Spirit
Valentine's Day is the perfect time to encourage students to read. With a plethora of books written about the day of love, you will have no problem helping your students choose one. The following list of books was recommended by Erin Jackman, Executive Director of the Brook...

National Eye Care Month
Eyes are said to be the window to the soul, according to a famous English proverb. However, the most important function of the eyes is to, of course, see outward. Without correct vision, one would not be able to navigate everyday life the way that someone with perfect eyesight would. Often tim...

National Thank You Month and Letter Writing
Since January is National Thank You Month, it’s the perfect opportunity to teach your students about the importance of gratitude. Being thankful and expressing gratitude are two things everyone should learn from a young age. After all, thanking someone shows appreciation, not to mention good mann...

The Polar Express Experience
The Polar Express, written by Chris Van Allsburg, is a winter reading classic. The timeless tale chronicles a little boy’s journey to the North Pole, where he meets Santa and receives the first gift of Christmas. The beautiful illustrations and rich dialogue bring the magical story to life; weavi...

Applying Letter Writing to Daily Life
Students are much more invested in their learning when it applies to their life. It’s difficult for them to understand why they have to learn about something that seems unimportant to know and disconnected from their daily life. When I teach students letter writing, I make sure that they know tha...

Making Independent Reading and Book Reports Motivating
When I first tell students they will be expected to complete a book report in my class, I usually hear a collective moan, and I don’t blame them for this response. At their worst, traditional book reports can be mundane and repetitive. However, independent reading is very important and should be ...
Fairy Tale Lessons Can Spice Up Language Arts Activities
One of my favorite phrases is “once upon a time,” and over the years I have found nothing sets the scene for a story in quite the same way. From preschool to high school, a great story captivates the imagination and hooks the listener. There is a simple magic to the classic fairy tales. That beau...

Extend the Earth Day Learning With The Wump World
One of my favorite all time books combines a message about environmentalism with an engaging story about life on another planet. The Wump World by Bill Peet was first published in 1970, but the story is still poignant. It tells the story of the Wumps, who live in a beautiful , pristine world with...

Test Taking Strategies for Teachers and Students
Spring is the time of year when students begin to get restless. The end of the year is in sight, and summer vacation is just weeks away. Unfortunately, this is also the time of year when we begin state testing. We spend all year preparing our students for these tests. They are often used to deter...

Response to Intervention Can Help Students Struggling in Math
I'm sure you have had students in your math class who are lagging behind their peers, and seem to be "lost" when it comes time for mathematics instruction. All too often these students never get the opportunity to master one skill before being moved on to the next concept being taught. Since math...