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D.O.L.P.H.I.N. Binders

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This D.O.L.P.H.I.N. Binders printable also includes:

DOLPHIN—Daily Organizational Learning Portfolio and Handbook of Intelligent Note-taking. Here you'll find over 40 pages of templates, reference handouts, and instruction on ways pupils can organize their binders for a productive school year!

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Instructional Ideas
  • Introduce this method at the beginning of a new school year or semester, or offer this resource as a guide for those students who struggle with organization
Classroom Considerations
  • This method of organization will require some purchasing of materials for completing the binders
  • Very clear organizational structure explained
  • Also includes wide variety of other useful templates, such as school year calendar, cursive writing guide, binder rules, and math template sheets!
  • None