Abigail Adams, the Writer: “My pen is always freer than my tongue.”
Ann V.
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Lesson Planet
Sixteen lessons from the Massachusetts History Society comprise the “Abigail Adams, the Writer: ‘My pen is always freer than my tongue’” unit. Each lesson has scholars examining Adams’ letters and diaries to gain an understanding of what life was like for New England women during the 18th century.
17 Items
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Lesson Planet
abigail adams, addiction, asking questions, childcare, close reading, compare and contrast, critical reading, critical thinking, death, editing, figures of speech, friendly letters, grief, imagery, inferences, john adams, literary themes, making inferences, metaphors, nonfiction, nonfiction text features, parenting, poetry analysis, point of view, primary sources, role playing, similes, slavery, symbolism, tone, women's history, women's rights, answering questions, aphorisms, audiences, causes of the american revolution, editing marks, famous women, forming questions, john quincy adams, primary source analysis, salutations, supporting evidence, target audiences, the battle of bunker hill, universal themes, women's history month, socratic discussion, allusions, the loyalists, document-based question
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Common Core
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